A blog about the unexpected pleasures of raising two not so typical, but truly wonderful girls, one of whom was born with a little something extra; and learning each day what is truly important in this blessed life.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Bonding with Big Sis

Big Sis Nadia is in 9th grade this year at a wonderful, all girl high school. We are making sacrifices to send her there because we are in awe of the young women we know who go there and all the women we know who either went there as students or have been affiliated with the school in some way.  So far she has had a great year, even if her grades haven't been quite as stellar as they could be given her "ability."  She has been challenged in all the best ways academically, and has formed a big and diverse group of BFFs.   She graduated last year from our church school, where she had gone from K through 8.  Her experience there was mostly good, but it's not always the best thing to be in a graduating class of only 18.  She was totally ready to go into a much bigger pond.

One of the things I really like about the school is their commitment to service in the community.  The girls can decide whether or not they want to do a formal program and volunteer for at least 160 hours over 4 years, and if they do this, they get recognized at graduation and a nice addition to their college applications.  I've always been a big fan of volunteering, and have done quite a lot at Roo's school (Nadia's former school), my church and various agencies in the metro area.   I think it's really important on all levels to get out and help others, and it has been part of my own personal "therapy," especially since Roo was born.  So, Nadia and I have been working on her hours together this year.   She has moaned and groaned about a couple of projects I signed us up for, but she has really enjoyed other things we've done.   We have worked at a cat adoption agency, a fall festival for adults with disabilities, our local Buddy Walk and support group Christmas party, cleared a path for volunteers walking dogs at the Humane Society, and helped out at our local Food Bank.

Today we were on an urban nature trail working with a team of volunteers and staff from our local Parks & Rec.  Our job was to put in trees and shrubs along the trail to replace ivy that had been pulled a while ago.  There were maybe 15-16 of us and together we planted a total of 400 plants!  Nadia wasn't thrilled about going on this project, especially because she went skiing with her Dad yesterday and was already sore, but when we finished she had a smile on her face and she was impressed with the amount of work we all did.   I'm sure we'll both wake up a bit worse for wear tomorrow morning, but I do cherish the time I am getting to spend one on one volunteering with my lovely teen.

Weaving Roo into our story - after Nadia and I worked at the festival for adults with disabilities last fall, I told her that her sister has given her a gift that most of her friends do not and may never possess.  She gave her the gift of being able to be around and appreciate adults with challenges, to feel completely comfortable around them and see the value in each and every one.  Now she tells me she'd like to volunteer at a local hospital center for medically fragile children.  Her sister has brought a world to Nadia she would potentially never have known; and made her a much better person for it!

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